Which discount app allows tiered pricing for different products in a collection?

Which discount app allows tiered pricing for different products in a collection?

4 0 1

Hi all,

I am looking for an app that will achieve the following sale pricing:


• Buy any 2 products from a specific collection and it will cost $x per item, buy 4 it will be $x per item etc




Collection Name: 2 for $100

• Individual product price is $59

• Customer buys 2 of any item in this collection for $50 each


I have tried various discount and tiered pricing apps but they only work when a customer buys multiple of the same item. Does anyone know of apps that will achieve what I want?


Here is a Shopify shop that does something similar:



Replies 10 (10)

Shopify Partner
46 0 8







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Shopify Partner
5 0 2

hi bobby

will it work if the  2 items' original price are not a similar price?

Shopify Partner
12 0 5


I don't think the BOLD Bundle app does this, I've just installed it on demo and it's not doing it. I want the same functionality…

My client has a selection of tees at £12 each and they want to setup up 2 for £20. The only way of discounting on Bundles, as far as I can see, is to discount at a percentage. In my case this would be 16.666666666666667% and the app only allows for rounded percentages; not ideal. I know that this could be done in the standard functionality of Shopify but the tees will sometime vary and we need more than one promo running.

The search continues…


Shopify Partner
12 0 5
Shopify Partner
5 0 2
Hi Gareth
So after a while i've been searching for that...let me explain you the
flow you are about to
You will find it hard to work this flow - the reason is in most cases - if
you don't have Shopify Plus Plan -you can't change anything on the checkout
page ... since this discount is related to products ( i dont know to
explain you why - but different prices in all Apps of discount/ Bundles
usually works on % and not fixed price)
SOLUTION- i had to compare a certain Collection prices and use the Auto
Discount of Shopify.
It is really frustrating , i know
Good luck Pal!

Shopify Partner
12 0 5

Hi Leoderasta

Thanks for your reply. Did you not see my second reply? I found an app that does it.


Shopify Partner
5 0 2

Awesome!  it is really working for 2 products with a different original prices?


Shopify Partner
12 0 5

Looks like it will, client has changed all items to the same price now!

There is a trial so it's worth a look.


Shopify Partner
21 0 1


Please check our app.

That encourages customers to add more items to the cart using goal meter and Icon.

Example store

Shopify Partner
83 2 16


This is a case of "Buy X for Y$".

This can be achieved by using our app Every Possible Discount

You can review the functionality on our demo store

The app is build on a latest release by Shopify called Shopify Functions, so this app does not hamper your checkout analyics and does not create any dummy coupon codes.

You may want to try this out.

Any Likes and Accept as Solutions are greatly appreciated✌ Having trouble? Hire us! https://seventhtriangle.com/