Re: Product Import using Matrixify

Why are images not uploading with Matrixify product import?

2 0 0

I am trying to upload products using Matrixify but images are not getting uploaded and this is the warning message which is received:


NEW: Warning: The following images were not downloaded by Shopify: [ Image failed to download. - file not found. Check that file can be found at your URL.]


The images are accessible. Have anyone faced this issue and how can this be fixed?

Replies 3 (3)

3 0 0

I have same issue. Does no one have a solution for this?

Shopify Partner
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Hello @4LoJeeping 
The issue could be caused due to various reasons with how the images are hosted and also what Shopify requires and accepts.
Best if you reach out to our Support directly so that we can look more into your exact use case and error.

Matrixify | Bulk Import Export Update | |

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

I encountered the same issue and managed to resolve it. Here are two potential factors to consider:


  1. Public Sharing Settings: Ensure the sharing settings for both your Google Drive folder/file and your Google Sheets are set to Public; both must be publicly accessible for sharing. In my case, I forgot to set the Google Drive folder to public. 

  2. URL Format for Image Imports: Google Drive provides shareable links in the following format:

    Based on my experience, especially when using tools like Matrixify for imports, it's sometimes necessary for the URL to end with the actual filename for the images to be successfully imported. So you might need to modify the URLs to include the filename at the end of the URL. 

    For example, if the filename you uploaded is "red-top.jpg", then your URL would need to be modified like this:

The issue is likely related to your public sharing links (#1 above), but if not, reworking the URL might be the answer.