Re: Shopify webhooks are not registered

Why aren't all mandatory webhooks registering in my app configuration?

Shopify Partner
44 2 26

I added orders/create webhook in the configuration.


ShopifyApp.configure do |config|
config.webhooks = [
{ topic: "orders/create", address: "api/webhooks/orders_create" },
# After a store owner uninstalls your app, Shopify invokes the APP_UNINSTALLED webhook
# to let your app know.
{ topic: "app/uninstalled", address: "api/webhooks/app_uninstalled" },


And I confirmed the webhooks on the Rails console.


irb(main):001:0> ShopifyApp.configuration.webhooks
[{:topic=>"orders/create", :address=>"api/webhooks/orders_create"},
{:topic=>"app/uninstalled", :address=>"api/webhooks/app_uninstalled"},
{:topic=>"shop/redact", :address=>"api/webhooks/shop_redact"},
{:topic=>"customers/redact", :address=>"api/webhooks/customers_redact"},
{:topic=>"customers/data_request", :address=>"api/webhooks/customers_data_request"}]


But after the app is installed, I see only app/uninstalled webhook is registered.
The versions I am using:

  • shopify_app: 21.4.1
  • shopify_api: 12.4
  • ruby: 3.2.2
  • rails: 7.0.4

Any thoughts on why orders/create webhook and other mandatory webhooks are not registered?

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Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
12 0 2

Has anybody figured out anything? Maybe this helps check:

query webhookSubscriptions {
	webhookSubscriptions(first:50) {
		nodes {
      endpoint {
        ... on WebhookHttpEndpoint {