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Why Does My GraphQL Query Return Empty Nodes in the App but Works in Shopify GraphiQL?

Why Does My GraphQL Query Return Empty Nodes in the App but Works in Shopify GraphiQL?

1 0 0

Hi there!


A GraphQL query we ran in the past in our app worked fine. We’ve not changed the code, but the response is no longer returning nodes.


However, when the exact same query is ran in the Shopify GraphiQL app, it runs fine and returns the results.

{ data: { orders: { pageInfo: { hasNextPage: true, endCursor: null }, nodes: [] }}}

{ orders(first: 5, query:“NOT fulfillment_status:shipped”) { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } nodes { name customAttributes { key value } lineItems(first: 50) { pageInfo { hasNextPage } nodes { sku name quantity product { metafield(key: “weight_unit_on_storefront_oz_lb_“, namespace: “custom”) { value } } } } customer { firstName lastName phone } totalTipReceivedSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } displayAddress { address1 address2 city country zip phone } totalShippingPriceSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } shippingLine { title } } } }

Tried to reinstall the app but the issue persisted.

Is it possible to find out why the query via the app does not seems to return nodes anymore?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
140 0 27

I am having the same issue. Anyone have any ideas?