Re: Order Printer Template Issue

Why does Order Printer app print one order on two pages?

28 0 28

I am using the Order Printer app to print orders.  I can select multiple orders, use that app to pull them up and print.  However, sometimes it prints 1 order on 2 pages even though it will easily fit on one page.  I can go to select that same order which it is splitting, print it by itself and it prints on 1 page.  It's only when I select multiple that it switches to multiple.


Pics below show 2 invoices being selected and then what happens when I want to print, where it splits the one order.  The next pics are selecting that same invoice and it going print on one page.



Code for the template:


<p style="float: right; text-align: right; margin: 0;">
{{ created_at }}<br />
  Order {{ order_name }}

<div style="float: left; margin: 0 0 1em 0;" >
  <strong style="font-size: 2em;">{{ shop_name }}</strong><br />


<table class="table-tabular" style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;">
    {% for line_item in line_items %}
        <td>{{ line_item.quantity }} x</td>
        <td>{{ line_item.title }}</td>
        <td>{{ line_item.sku }}</td>
          {% if line_item.original_price != line_item.price %}
            <s>{{ line_item.original_price | money }}</s>
          {% endif %}
          {{ line_item.price | money }}
    {% endfor %}

{% if transactions.size > 1 %}
  <table class="table-tabular" style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;">
      {% for transaction in transactions %}
          <td>{{ transaction.gateway | payment_method }}</td>
          <td>{{ transaction.amount | money }}</td>
          <td>{{ transaction.kind }}</td>
          <td>{{ transaction.status }}</td>
      {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

<table class="table-tabular" style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;">
    <td>Subtotal price:</td>
    <td>{{ subtotal_price | money }}</td>
  {% for discount in discounts %}
    <td>Includes discount "{{ discount.code }}"</td>
    <td>{{ discount.savings | money }}</td>
  {% endfor %}
    <td>Total tax:</td>
    <td>{{ tax_price | money }}</td>
  {% if shipping_address %}
      <td>{{ shipping_price | money }}</td>
  {% endif %}
    <td><strong>Total price:</strong></td>
    <td><strong>{{ total_price | money }}</strong></td>
  {% if total_paid != total_price %}
      <td><strong>Total paid:</strong></td>
      <td><strong>{{ total_paid | money }}</strong></td>
      <td><strong>Outstanding Amount:</strong></td>
      <td><strong>{{ total_price | minus: total_paid | money }}</strong></td>
  {% endif %}

{% if note %}
  <h4 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;">Note</h3>
  <p>{{ note }}</p>
{% endif %}

{% if shipping_address %}

  <div style="margin: 0 0 1em 0; padding: 1em; border: 1px solid black;">
    {{ }}<br/>
    {% if %}
      {{ }}<br/>
    {% endif %}
    {{ shipping_address.street }}<br/>
    {{ }}
    {{ shipping_address.province_code }}
    {{ | upcase }}<br/>
    {{ }}<br/>
    {{ }}<br/>
    {{ email }}<br/>
    {{ note }}
{% endif %}
{% for transaction in transactions %}
{{ transaction.gateway | payment_method }} 	
{{ shipping_method.title }}
{% endfor %}


Replies 4 (4)

11 0 4

the same thing happens to me every day.  Did you every figure out a solution?

28 0 28

No, unfortunately.  Not a single response and still having this issue randomly.

1 0 0

I've been having this problem for over a year now!! I went through 2 black Fridays of this happening and Shopify Customer Service says there's not a problem on their end... I didn't know others were having this problem too! 

11 0 4
Seems to be better lately. Don’t know if it is because we stopped using chrome or if there has been a change.