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Hello i have following Issue,
I want to get the metafield id of my sold_out_metafield to change its value in the productUpdate Mutation. My Problem is that this query is showing the metafield for some products but not for products where the metafield is not initialized with a value. How can i get the id of this metafield to set the value? or how can i initially set the value to an empty value so every id is initialized.
data = { "query": `query { products(first: 10, after:"${cursor}",query:"(product_type:bundle)") { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } edges { node { id title tags variants(first: 1){ edges{ node{ id inventoryItem{ id tracked inventoryLevels(first:1){ edges{ node{ location{ id } } } } } } } } metafields(first: 1,namespace:"bundle"){ edges{ node{ value key namespace } } } sold_out_metafield:metafields(first: 1,namespace:"sold_out"){ edges{ node{ id } } } } } } }` , } } let response = await axios($, { method: "post", url: `https://${this.shopify_developer_app.$auth.shop_id}`, headers: { "X-Shopify-Access-Token": `${this.shopify_developer_app.$auth.access_token}`, "Content-Type": `application/json`, }, data, })
Empty Metafield Response (showing only on some products):
Expected Response:
Hi @Erik_Abrio,
First of all, a little tips when you get specific metafield on an object.
You can query it like this :
{customer(id: "gid://shopify/Customer/2554556556556"){
example_metafield: metafield(namespace: "global", key: "example") {
With this version, you avoid to get the content inside an array (edges, node).
If the metafield doesn't exists, the value of the example_metafield will be null in the result.
A metafield cannot exist if it's not initialized, so cannot have ID.
You can create the metafield directly in the product update mutation if it doesn't exist.
Here is an example from the Shopify doc.
You can see below the content of the input for the productUpdate mutation (but it works for all object that can accept metafields).
"metafields": [
"namespace": "my_field",
"key": "liner_material",
"type": "single_line_text_field",
"value": "Synthetic Leather"
"id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/1069229034",
"value": "Rubber"
Here the metafield my_field.liner_material is created and the second metafield is updated with a new value just by passing it's ID.
Hope it's help you.
I can't get this to work on customerUpdate. This is what I'm trying to do:
mutation {
metafields: {
type: "single_line_text_field",
customer {
"""%(custID, value)
I can get and use the metafield id to update a metafield that's already set but it won't create a new one. Any insights if you happen to see this would be appreciated.
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