Why is my Marketplace Kit GraphQL query not working correctly?

Why is my Marketplace Kit GraphQL query not working correctly?

Shopify Partner
3 0 4

Hello everyone,


I want people to be able to import their Shopify data into our own app, where people can buy the same products. I want to also sync the supply between our app and the clients Shopify store.


The Marketplace Kit seems to be perfect for this. There are however 2 problems that I am facing.


1. On the 'Home' component, there seems to be an error related to this GraphQL query:

const HOME_PAGE_QUERY = gql`
  query HomePageQuery {
    adminShop {

This call seems to fail. There are also issues describing the exact same problem. How do I fix this?

2. The app was made using Shopify CLI 2. I get a message in the terminal when starting the app that support for Shopify CLI 2 is being dropped on the 31st of May this year. Will this be a problem to support this app?


Is the Marketplace Kit still the way to go, or would it be better to create a regular app and create the sync logic ourselves for our use case? Any support for this issue would be greatly appreciated.



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Shopify Partner
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Any luck with a response?