Why was my TikTok Shop App suspended?

Why was my TikTok Shop App suspended?

1 0 0

Hi there,

My Tiktok Shop App was suspended, could you please help?
After I active my store  a few days ago, I just sycned the products and did nothing else. I'm not sure where I violated the policy. Please help!
Thanks in advance.
Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
2045 226 383

Hi there, @Lifewit_Househo


Thanks for reaching out to the Community regarding your TikTok account suspension. Advertising with TikTok is becoming increasingly popular so I understand why investigating the suspension and resolving it is important to you. 


I just have a couple questions I want to ask so we can gather some additional information: 


  • Can you provide a screenshot of where you're seeing that your TikTok account has been suspended?
  • Do you have the TikTok Sales Channel installed in your Shopify Store? I'm just looking to confirm this. 
  • Were you provided with any information or notice regarding what causes the suspension? 

TikTok does have it's own rules when it comes to advertising products from certain industries (the casino and gambling industry for example) on it's platform. I have a link here that leads to a page on TikTok regarding it's advertising rules. Feel free to take a look as it may provide some helpful information. 


I'll keep my eyes peeled for your reply so we can continue working together to determine how to resolve this situation. 

Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
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I believe it's a Tik Tok issue and not related to Shopify.

Please try to create a new account, and reconnect it to your Shopify store, it should solve the problem according to your issue.

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