Re: write_publications and read_publications access

write_publications and read_publications access

Shopify Partner
17 0 17

Is there any way to create an app, either (private or public) with read_publications and/or write_publications access? Does one need special approval for this access? There seems to be no visible option for these permissions when creating a private app and the usual OAUTH procedure yields an error:


Oauth error missing_shopify_permission: write_publications, read_publications


I'd like to automate publishing products to Facebook and my the Storefront API, but so far I've got nothing.


Replies 10 (10)

Shopify Partner
8 0 7

any update ?

Requesting these scopes still ends up with the same error:

Oauth error missing_shopify_permission: write_publications, read_publications



51 12 19

Hi mate

These scopes are currently unavailable.

You can try and request them from shopify support

Similar thread below:


Shopify Partner
126 0 44

Any update of this bug after one year, shopify?

Shopify Partner
126 0 44

still waiting....


We only need to read products that a sales channel has published. I even dont need to publish them

It is incredible that Shopify doesnt let us at least READ what products are in each channel. 

it is incredible!!!!

Shopify Partner
1 0 1

Another vote for this. Considering that managing the channels a product is published to is an integral part of using the admin dashboard it is insane it can't be done via the admin API... especially when the functionality exists, it's just turned off for public apps.


Please Shopify allow read_publications and write_publications access for public apps! An app I was going to develop is almost unusable without this functionality.

Shopify Partner
103 7 26

Up until recently, this was an access scope that was limited to Shopify Plus. At some point over the past few months, it became generally available. This change may have coincided with the release of the Catalogs API, which seems to make use of this functionality. I was not able to easily find any other mention of it.


Read more:

Shopify Partner
126 0 44

Hi, are you sure that this is related to "I'd like to automate publishing products to Facebook" ?


In my case I want only to KNOW which products are published in each sales channel, and I can not see how this new API could help me.


Are you sure?

Shopify Partner
103 7 26

This can be done with GraphQL:

  publication(id: "gid://shopify/Publication/123456") {
    products(first: 10) {
      edges {
        node {


To get the publications with GraphQL:

  publications(first: 10) {
    edges {
      node {

Note: The name field in the above query is deprecated.


To check if a collection is published on a specific publication:

  collectionByHandle(handle: "acme-widgets") {
    publishedOnPublication(publicationId: "gid://shopify/Publication/12345")


Shopify Partner
103 7 26

GraphQL Mutation

mutation publishablePublish($id: ID!, $input: [PublicationInput!]!) {
  publishablePublish(id: $id, input: $input) {
    userErrors {


GraphQL Variables

  "id": "gid://shopify/Product/123456",
  "input": [
      "publicationId": "gid://shopify/Publication/123456"


Additional reading:


Shopify Partner
126 0 44

Sorry, now yes!, thanks a lot, we can, at least, read this information, great.