You can only have one web with the backend role in your app - Remix

You can only have one web with the backend role in your app - Remix

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Hi, I've been having a couple of issues trying to deploy a new version of our app, when I try to deploy the application the CLI gives me the error: "You can only have one web with the backend role in your app", this is how my looks like:  

Captura de pantalla 2024-09-23 a la(s) 10.35.40 a. m..png


and this is how my shopify.web.toml looks like: 


Any idea of why this is happening with the remix package? I haven't changed anything since our last release, just tried to publish a new version and it was completly broken throwing this error: 

We are using the official remix template, any help would be appreciated since there's little to no info about this issue and how to fix it, an update in the documentation would be helpful as well.


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