Questions and discussions about using the Shopify CLI and Shopify-built libraries.
My app offers two different views of a particular component, one "inline" mode which is displayed in a Polaris Card, and a fullscreen mode which is displayed in an AppBridge Modal.
Relevant documentation:
The display for this component is conditional based on a boolean variable called fullScreen, with the following code:
{ fullScreen ? <Modal variant="max" open={true} onHide={() => setFullScreen(!fullScreen)}> <Box padding="400" minHeight="100vh" background="bg-surface-brand"> <ManageSteps steps={steps} handleAdd={handleAddStep} handleDelete={handleDeleteStep} /> </Box> </Modal> : <Card background="bg-surface-brand"> <ManageSteps steps={steps} handleAdd={handleAddStep} handleDelete={handleDeleteStep} /> </Card> }
The ManageSteps component which is displayed in either mode uses a Tooltip on a Select component which is only rendered under certain circumstances:
if (!canExtend(step)) { return ( <Box maxWidth="164px"> <Tooltip content="Step limit reached."> <Select label={''} labelHidden={true} options={[ { label: 'Thank You', value: '' } ]} /> </Tooltip> </Box> ); }
This Tooltip message displays as expected in the "inline" view which is displayed in the Card component, however the Tooltip is not visible when in fullscreen mode/inside the Modal. After much experimentation I can't seem to get a Tooltip to work inside a modal at all, under any circumstances.
The Tooltip component does offer a zIndexOverride attribute, but even when setting this to the maximum possible value the Tooltip is still not visible, presumably because it is still behind/underneath the Modal.
Is there any way to get a Tooltip to display in an AppBridge Modal?
When using Polaris components built with React Portals, like Popover, Tooltip, and Combobox in a modal, you must wrap your modal's child components in a Polaris App Provider.