CloudFlare Tunnel Error: Could not start Cloudflare tunnel: unknown error.

CloudFlare Tunnel Error: Could not start Cloudflare tunnel: unknown error.

Shopify Partner
15 0 3

after I run the npm run dev , it prompted as below :


Could not start Cloudflare tunnel: unknown error.



anyone can help ?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Staff
1831 273 418

Hey @John-CC 


Hard to know where the issue is occurring. If you're still hitting this, try using a different tunnelling service and passing it along with the `--tunnel-url` flag.


For example, if you were to use ngrok:

1. Open another terminal window, run `ngrok http 3000`
2. Back to your app terminal, run:

npm run dev -- --tunnel-url


Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
15 0 3

Yes, I am also using ngrok as a temporary solution to this issue. However, I am very curious as to why I can't use it as expected. Logically, there should be a good reason for Cloudflare to be the default tool.

Shopify Partner
7 2 0

Otherwise you can use npm run dev -- --tunnel-url don't forget to add dev_store_url at toml files. Shopify, please stop Cloudflare as default tunnel 

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Thank you!

Shopify Partner
4 0 4

it would be really great if the shopify documentation was helpful. 

this isnt really a solution. The npm dev run should run as the shopify documentation states. 

Hopefully something will change before shopify kills the checkout and forces everyone into a checkout app. 

As an app developer, who would charge someone for a simple add on - the future of the checkout is looking great, youll have plenty of users who need this. As a store owner - this is going to cost money.