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Command Line Error on Development Stores

Command Line Error on Development Stores

Shopify Partner
63 4 21

Hi there, I'm connecting to my partners development store and trying to do a basic customer populate command (via the docs) and am receiving an error about not being allowed, permissions/login. 


I am successfully logged in via my terminal, and I'm the owner of the partners development website birdhouse-sites.myshopify.com.

The command that is generating this error is below and the reference is under "Populate" in these docs https://shopify.dev/themes/tools/cli/core-commands:


shopify populate customers

I also used shopify populate --count 1

trying to use.png


Am I missing a step? Thank you.


Birdhouse Web Design
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
249 42 38

Hey @BirdhouseUSA

Just wanted to reply here quickly to pass on out doc that has insights about the Shopify CLI, and lists required commands for confirming who is logged in, as well as for log in/out - the Shopify CLI | Core Commands resource. I would suggest reviewing the caution banner from that page, as it specifically covers utilizing the CLI with development stores by a) ensuring that login access is setup as the store's owner or staff, and not only through a partner account  and b) suggests directly accessing that store's admin from a browser,  example-development-store.myshopify.com/admin, to confirm the correct account is logged in.

- Cheers!

awwdam | API Support @ Shopify
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