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Custom config page for Flow Action does not dispatch Remix action requests when using CDN AppBridge

Custom config page for Flow Action does not dispatch Remix action requests when using CDN AppBridge

Shopify Partner
2 0 0



While implementing a new app with a custom Action for Shopify Flow, we have encountered an issue.


When the CDN-provided version of AppBridge (v4?) is used on the Custom Config page (based on the Shopify Remix starter template), any Remix Action requests do not perform requests to the server-side.


I have prepare a repository which demonstrates the issue, as well as capturing some of my observations, below:




I've also noticed and raised other issues with using the CDN version of AppBridge in Flow.


Is using the CDN version of AppBridge for the custom config page of a Flow action supported/advisable at this point?


Please let me know if you require any further details.




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