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Embedded App NO border-bottom on active tab

Embedded App NO border-bottom on active tab

New Member
6 0 0

Hey, I am working on an Embeded app. Everything is working as intended  except the missing border:bottom from the active tab. 

My stack - Next, node, koa i.e. node  Boiler plate from Shopify CLI


I wScreenshot 2020-09-10 at 10.34.21 PM.png


I tested it with a new sample project from Shopify CLI and the results are the same. 


Screenshot 2020-09-10 at 10.51.00 PM.png

Replies 3 (3)

14 1 5

I have the same issue.


And the problem is in the App bridge title bar .



New Member
6 0 0

Hey @ocatalin  Yeah, I have the same thing. I have raised a ticket on twitter. Hopefully, We will get a reply. 


EDIT - I am on 

Browser - Chrome

OS - Mac

 this is the intended behaviour. Look at settings tab border

Screenshot 2020-09-14 at 2.30.02 PM.png

New Member
6 0 0

UPDATE - Looks like Shopify fixed the issue. Everything is back to normal. Thank you Shopify.

It would be awesome if you'll can give a status update on the issue while you are fixing it.