Questions and discussions about using the Shopify CLI and Shopify-built libraries.
I'm using resource picker of product type and it comes with a search box.
How can I get my hands on the data that is being passed into the search boxes query param?
Hey @Wakil_eFoli
It looks like it's only possible to get the selection, not the actual query.
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
I'm using a TextField where user is going to insert a product name and when user start typing in it open a modal using resource resourcePicker(App-Bridge). Here I'm passing the input from TextField as a query to the resourcePicker.
For example if the user is searching for "collection snowboard" then I'm passing "coll" to the resourcePicker's query and user can then complete writing the full query on that modal's search box. But when the user closes the modal the input in the TextField is still "coll".
So how can I keep the both synchronized?
Hey @Wakil_eFoli
It looks like the data can only be passed one way. There's no way to hook into the ResourcePicker state to keep it in sync.
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify