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Re: How to use Fullscreen mode for apps with the new Remix template

How to use Fullscreen mode for apps with the new Remix template

Shopify Partner
1 0 4

Hello, I'm using the new Remix app template and I can't manage to make the fullscreen mode to work.

In the new docs about App Bridge there is no reference to Fullscreen. The only reference is in a "previous versions" sections and it seems legacy and I can't make it work with remix.



Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
1 0 1

I have the exact same problem. I tried wrapping the app in the legacy App Bridge but with no luck. If someone from the dev team could help out that would be great!

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

  I solved this as follows (entering fullscreen immediately after page load):


import { Fullscreen } from '@shopify/app-bridge/actions';
import { useAppBridge } from '@shopify/app-bridge-react';
import { FullscreenBar } from '@shopify/polaris';

export default function App() {
  const app = useAppBridge();
  const fullscreen = Fullscreen.create(app);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [fullscreen]);

  return (
        <FullScreenBar onAction={noop}/>


Shopify Partner
1 0 0

This did not work for me. Are you sure you're using the new Remix template?

I get the following error: "Error: No AppBridge context provided. Your component must be wrapped in the <Provider> component from App Bridge

The component I'm trying to render is already a child of the AppProvider component. It seems that for some reason the app context is not being passed down to the useAppBridge effect call.

Shopify Partner
2 0 2

Following the document of Shopify, you can achieve it by this way:

import { useSearchParams } from '@remix-run/react'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

function Editor() {
  const [, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams()
  useEffect(() => {
    setSearchParams(prevParams => {
      return {
        fullscreen: true
  }, [])
  return (
    // your component
Shopify Partner
2 0 2

Getting into fullscreen mode works this way, but how to you get out? Removing the "fullscreen" search param in the same way does nothing...

Shopify Partner
6 0 1

have you find out solution?  Same problem 


Shopify Partner
12 0 2

It took me a while to find this:
The fullscreen view is now called max-modal and realized differently