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Is it Possible to Change Order Status from Fulfilled to Unfulfilled Through API?

Is it Possible to Change Order Status from Fulfilled to Unfulfilled Through API?

12 0 1

Some of the products in my shop are bundles of physical and digital items.  The app that is being used to host and send the digital files to customersmarks the entire bundle as fulfilled after payment is received, despite the fact that the physical portion of the bundle still needs to be fulfilled.  Because it is marked as fulfilled, the shipping app that we use (ShippingEasy) does not recognize that there is an order to be fulfilled and a shipping label can not be printed.

I am a developer looking for a way to unfulfill an order after it has been fulfilled by the digital file app.  I've already viewed the API documentation on fulfillment (https://help.shopify.com/api/reference/fulfillment).

I'm using Shopify CLI to see if modifications to the store can be made.  I can edit products through the cli with no issue, but none of the changes that I make to orders are actually saved.

Is it even possible to change the fulfillment status of a fulfilled ordered to unfulfilled?


Replies 3 (3)

12 0 1

Does anyone know if this is possible?

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Why not get the App to only fulfill the items it is supposed to fulfill? Why is it fulfilling items that are not in fact fulfilled? Shopify API supports the concept of partial fulfillment. So just have the App mark the digital goods as fulfilled, and that way, when it comes time to fulfill other parts of the order, you can still do so.

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12 0 1

The bundle is 1 item as far as the store's inventory is concerned.  In other words, the variant itself equals "Physical + Digital".

For example, from the customer's point of view, they're choosing 1 item to buy titled "Physical + PDF'.  Because the physical and digital purchase is one line item, partially fulfilling the order does not work.

I'm using Digital Downloads to attach digital files to variants.  1 product will have variants like:

  • Physical/PDF
  • Physical/CBZ
  • Physical/EPUB


If it's set to manual fulfillment, we will have to individually email every customer with their digital purchase.  Given that the point of buying digital is to get immediate access, and these items can be bought at any time in the day, this is not an option.  If the fulfillment is set to automatic, customers will get their digital download immediately, but they will get notice that the physical product has been shipped even when that's not the case.  Also, like I mentioned in my initial post, ShippingEasy will not generate labels for the fulfilled orders.

We have over 600 products in this store, so making separate product entries in the admin panel for digital and physical versions of the same product is not an ideal solution.

Does the API allow you to unfulfill an order that has been fulfilled?  I mainly need a way of making sure that labels actually appear in ShippingEasy.