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Polaris Components Not Displaying Using Remix

Polaris Components Not Displaying Using Remix

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I have an issue where, if I take the Remix template project and start modifying it, Polaris components that aren't used in the template don't show up. I'm trying to use the DropZone and Modal components, but the DropZone is hidden, and the Modal just doesn't show at all. For the Modal I get the following warning in browser:

"The resource <URL> was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally."


The DropZone is in the DOM, but is hidden. Unhiding it doesn't make it work - I can't click a button to open a file, or drag/drop one onto the zone. I can give code samples if needed, but it's really just taken from the template with the components I wanted to use added.

Version info:

Ubuntu 22.04
Node.js v18.19.0

"@prisma/client": "^4.13.0",
"@remix-run/dev": "^2.0.0",
"@remix-run/node": "^2.0.0",
"@remix-run/react": "^2.0.0",
"@remix-run/serve": "^2.0.0",
"@shopify/app": "^3.50.0",
"@shopify/cli": "^3.50.0",
"@shopify/polaris": "^12.0.0",
"@shopify/polaris-icons": "^7.0.0",
"@shopify/shopify-api": "^8.0.2",
"@shopify/shopify-app-remix": "^2.1.0",
"@shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-prisma": "^2.0.0",
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