Questions and discussions about using the Shopify CLI and Shopify-built libraries.
I develop a shopify application with cli 3.43.0 and after installing it on the store for testing I receive the following message:
"APPNAME will open in a new tab
This app is taking a while to load. If you are not automatically redirected, click to open the app now. Learn more"
When I access the "Learn more" link, the message is displayed:
"Your embedded app needs to load in Shopify is moving to this new domain and all merchants will have access to it, as of Jan 31st, refer to our changelog for details. To resolve this issue, reference our Setting up Iframe protection document as well as ensure your app is at minimum on App bridge 2.0, App bridge 3.0 is recommended."
I mention that the store I use in the tests is also newly opened, so all are updated with the new requirements for development:
- cli 3.x
- app bridge 3
- new store ...
I don't understand what else needs to be updated in the code to open the application normally and not in a new page.
Man, I'm getting this error too. I have met all the requirements as well and still getting the error. This is beyond frustrating on Shopify's part. We have spent so many hours building a complete app and they decide to update something without telling us ahead of time. AND WITH NO solution in sight. I'm so tempted to scrap the App Bridge route and just make an external Shopify App without all these unnecessary hurdles and "Stupid Bugs (tm)" that seem to keep happening. Rant over.
It works now. It was a problem from shopify