Shopify Theme Dev gets ruby: invalid switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError)

Shopify Theme Dev gets ruby: invalid switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError)

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I am just getting started with CLI. I want to learn how to create custom themes and am following the steps here:


Everything went as expected until I reached "Step 2: Start a local development server". When I run the command shopify theme dev --store {store-name} with my development store name replacing {store-name}, I get the following error: 


ruby: invalid switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError)


I've tried using just the store name,, and, all to no avail.


I don't know anything about RUBY and Google has turned up little-to-nothing helpful outside of updating the bundler to the latest version.


Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Replies 3 (3)

Community Manager
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What version of Ruby do you currently have installed on your machine? It should be version 2.7.5 or higher.

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
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Hi Liam,


Thanks for replying.


I'm running 3.3.4. Here's the output: ruby 3.3.4 (2024-07-09 revision be1089c8ec) [x64-mingw-ucrt]



Shopify Partner
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It's amazing what a few hours of sleep will do.


I found a solution first thing in a tab I had open on my browser from last night. I was just about to close it, when I caught the title of the search result.


Turns out to be user error, as expected. I installed Ruby in the C:\Program Files folder instead of C:. The extra space in Program Files was causing the error. I ran a complete uninstall and re-install and the issue is resolved.


Liam, thanks again for your quick reply.

