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Re: Trying to redeploy to an EC2 instance on AWS, can't run shopify cli

Trying to redeploy to an EC2 instance on AWS, can't run shopify cli

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I am trying to deploy my app on an ec2 instance, so I am doing the first step, which is to get the env vars, e.g.,


shopify "app" "env" "show"

The shopify cli is trying to open a link to shopify and it timesout. with



Auto-open timed out. Open the login page: Log in to Shopify Partners (URL)

I copy the url, paste it into my browser and of course it fails. So, then I copy the url, `<copied-localhost-url>` that it tried to go to and goto my ec2 instance and in another shell, I do `wget <copied-localhost-url>` Then, it reports an error:

╭─ error ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ │
│ The authentication can't continue because the redirect doesn't include the state. │
│ │
│ To investigate the issue, examine this stack trace: │
│ at (@shopify/cli-kit/src/session/redirect-listener.ts:91) │
│ const err = new Bug(MissingStateString) │
│ at (home/ec2-user/path-to-my-app-where-I-ran-the-original-command/node_modules/h3/dist/in │
│ dex.mjs:592) │
│ at nodeHandler (h3/dist/index.mjs:538) │
│ await handler(event); │
│ │

Any thoughts?


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I figured this out by enclosing the URL string in quotes. Otherwise curl or wget mysteriously only sends partial URL. Hope that helps