Adaptive Images In Collections Not Lining Up Dawn 13.0 Need Code

Adaptive Images In Collections Not Lining Up Dawn 13.0 Need Code

Shopify Partner
9 0 2

Hi Folks,


I have 400k products and am not going through all images and PixC is $90/m to handle my site.  I am trying to get everything to line up and Square wont work, crops too much so I am trying to work with the adaptive image setting.  This is the example:



Square just wrecks the product look.  Will deff buy someone some coffee that can help as all the other code i tried just forced square in adaptive.



Brian Owner

Reply 1 (1)

95 8 12


Please go to
1) Online store
2) Themes -> Edit theme
3) Layout
4) theme.liquid and paste this code before </head>

#product-grid .grid__item .card-wrapper .card:not(.ratio) > .card__content {
  align-items: end !important;


If my solution works, then please like and accept it as a solution. This is the best solution that I can provide you.

My Buy Me Coffee Link is in my signture.

Thank you