Add contact form to "Contact Information" policy at checkout page.

Add contact form to "Contact Information" policy at checkout page.

5 0 3

Hi everyone,


So, the main objective is to get the "Contact Us" page congruent with the "Contact Information" policy on the checkout. 


All that is needed is to get the contact form onto the "Contact Information" policy. I have not found a way around this yet so I figured I would see what the Shopify community has to say. Obviously, I have looked through all of the settings/Shopify theme customizations.


I have uploaded some pictures for reference.


I must get this contact form on the "Contact Information" policy.


Thanks & Best Regards.







Chcekout page 2.pngCheckout page 1.pngContact Us page.png

Replies 4 (4)

20 1 7

Did you ever get this resolved? I am looking to do the same thing 

5 0 3
I did not get this resolved
27 0 5

Did you manage to solve this? We're currently running two separate contact us pages - one with form and another as a policy without form.

5 0 3

I did not. All I did was just have the Contact Us page and the contact form internally linked to each other, so that you can get to either one from either page.