Add custom icons to use in collapsible rows Dawn theme

Add custom icons to use in collapsible rows Dawn theme

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It seems responses to previous posts about this are no longer valid!


How to add custom .svg icons to choose from for a collapsible row?

Skärmavbild 2025-01-18 kl. 00.26.17.png

So there's been some kind of update and the previous answers to this question does not seem to apply. 

For example, the snippets/icon-accordion.liquid only have this code (which makes it impossible to add code as instructed in previous answers) :


{%- if icon != 'none' -%}
  {%- assign file = icon | replace: '_', '-' | prepend: 'icon-' | append: '.svg' -%}
  <span class="svg-wrapper">{{ file | inline_asset_content }}</span>
{%- endif -%}




Reply 1 (1)

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Hi @melfio 


Here’s how to implement the custom code:

The original code is shown here: While I’m unsure of the theme you are using, this example is based on the Spotlight theme. To add your custom code, follow the instructions in this screenshot: If the option "None" is selected, you will need to include this code:, which will display your custom icon accordingly.


I hope this helps





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