Add payment methods in checkout

Add payment methods in checkout

82 0 14

Hi everyone, 


How can we showcase the other payment methods we have enabled on our store below the "OR".


URL is


Thanks in advance


Image 02-08-2024 at 19.42.jpeg

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
735 63 105

Unfortunately, Shopify doesn't allow direct edits to the checkout template for security reasons. However, you can modify the cart page or add a custom message about payment methods on the product page or cart page.


find the cart.liquid file within the Sections or Templates folder.

for example 


<div class="additional-payment-methods">
  <p>We also accept:</p>
  <img src="link_to_payment_method_icon" alt="Payment Method 1">
  <img src="link_to_payment_method_icon" alt="Payment Method 2">
  <img src="link_to_payment_method_icon" alt="Payment Method 3">






If this fixed your issue, likes and accepting as a solution are highly appreciated.

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82 0 14

I don't want to edit anything in checkout, just like other brands show more payment options.


Like this:

Image 03-08-2024 at 20.56.jpeg