
Add Swiper Snippet to featured collections (VENTURE THEME)

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334 24 92

Hi there, im building my new section. I want to make something with swiper and featured-collections. It seems to work, but i want to modify something.. 

Right now, it shows all collections in the same row, how can i change it, and just show one collection per row. Just like desktop view.. how can i change it to mobile view


Here is a capture from desktop view, which one its showing correctly.


Here is a capture from mobile view, you can see there it's showing all categories in the same row, and i want to show just one categorie by row



 Any code or everything its needed, just contact me, thanks a lot for anyone who can help me! 

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yes i have update code please check

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View solution in original post

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yes you have try this way code 

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@KetanKumar  i made it with another snippet different than video. That's called SWIPER. and i want to make it with collections, no products. 

i can send you link and password if you need it

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yes please share us 

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@KetanKumar done by pm, thanks a lot!

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36845 3636 11978


thanks for it i will check url and let you know 

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did you not see message?

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@KetanKumar sorry i send you a pm, you're not seeing the correct place at home page, its at the top page mobile view.

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36845 3636 11978

yes please share code so i will update 

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@KetanKumar done, you got it by pm! thanks a lot!

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334 24 92


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<div id="bdr_product_faq">
  <!-- Add Pagination -->
  <div id="bdr_product_faq_pagination">
  <div class="swiper-container">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
{% for block in section.blocks %}
    {% if block.type == "collection" %}
        <div class="grid grid--no-gutters" id="collection-list-grid" data-number-rows="{{ number_rows }}">
    {% assign row_number = 1 %}

    {% for block in section.blocks %}
      {% if blocks_count == 5 and forloop.index > 3 %}
        {% assign grid_item_width = 'medium-up--one-half' %}
        {% assign height = 450 %}
      {% endif %}
      {% if blocks_count > 4 and forloop.index > 3 %}
        {% assign row_number = 2 %}
      {% endif %}

      {% assign featured_collection = collections[block.settings.collection] %}
<div class="swiper-slide">
      {% include 'collection-grid-item' with stretch_collection_image: section.settings.stretch_collection_image, height: height %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
$(document).ready(function () {
  let titleData = [];// Obtener la matriz de títulos
{% for block in section.blocks %}
    {% if block.type == "collection" %}
  titleData.push("{{ block.settings.title }}");
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
  var swiper = new Swiper('#bdr_product_faq .swiper-container', {
    speed: 1000,// Tiempo de transición ms
    autoHeight: true, // altura autoadaptable
    pagination: { // Buscapersonas
      el: '#bdr_product_faq_pagination',
      bulletClass : 'bdr_swiper_pagination_bullet',
      renderBullet: function (index, className) {
        return '<span class="' + className + '">' + (index + 1) + '</span>';
      clickable: true
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@KetanKumar this code doesn't work, it shows everything in homepage broken 




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36845 3636 11978


some thing is wrong code 

if possible to add me staff account and give me just theme access so i will check direct theme code 

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334 24 92

@KetanKumar done, you got collaborator code by pm! thanks a lot!

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36845 3636 11978


great thanks let me ck

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@KetanKumar okay ill wait till tomorrow you can send me request right now if you want. Thanks a lot

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36845 3636 11978


yes i'm back to work but i can't receive any email can you try again

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i have sent please check

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334 24 92

@KetanKumar its done! thanks a lot sir!

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334 24 92

@KetanKumar did you see something sir? 

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36845 3636 11978


sorry for late reply have  i have check this code but theme doesn't proper its reburied to redevelop this section custom code 

try this code

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334 24 92

@KetanKumar thanks, but i want to use swiper, not slider. Thanks anyway.

If anyone can help me, just tell me i will send every file is needed!

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36845 3636 11978


oh i see don't requires to slider? so wait i will update swipe code if possible access agani

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@KetanKumar send me request collaborator again.. i don't know if we are in the same way to make it happen, i mean, i got it workly perfect at desktop view, but in mobile view i dont know why, all collections i used stay in the same row and there is 4xcollections and 4rows, when it will be 1 collection and 4rows (1per1).


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36845 3636 11978


yes i have sent please check and let me know 

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@KetanKumar its done sir! if you want can make it right now in live, to adjust your work!

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36845 3636 11978


yes please check this theme

its proper so i will move code live 

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@KetanKumar i think its almost perfect sir!!! can you make collection cards with more width and height? like this picture? swipemobilev1.jpg


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i have done please check


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334 24 92

@KetanKumar i dont know how to tell you.. thanks and thanks... its almost perfect! just to make it perfect, its possible to show images correctly i mean, it seems not centered at all, or maybe resize its not working as well, but i say you again, thanks so much sir!

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yes i have update code please check

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@KetanKumar we are so close to get it working perfectly! here is desk view which one is showing correctly resize of images!




Here is mobile view, its a little bit different, i think resize is not working as well like desk view



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36845 3636 11978

yes aspect ratio image not portrait it lanscp

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@KetanKumar can we make something to make it possible? i don't know what u mean with that.. anyway thanks a lot for your work!

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36845 3636 11978


it was change look asper mobile device real device look proper don't worry about it

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