Add text behind the price

Add text behind the price

26 0 9 here!


It seems people think they get 5 cookies (because of the product photo) when they order amount: 1.

Put the price is per cookie and I would like to add some text behind the price, saying per cookie.

Is there someone who can help me with this?

Theme is Dawn.




Thank you.

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
562 83 103

Hi @EdensBakehouse,

To quickly add "per cookie" next to the price in the Dawn theme, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Shopify Admin > Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code.
  2. Open snippets/price.liquid.
  3. Find this code:


<span class="price">{{ price | money }}</span>


Replace it with:


<span class="price">{{ price | money }}</span> <span class="per-unit">per cookie</span>


Save and check your store!

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26 0 9

Can't find the code you are mentioning.

This is all in snippets/price.liquid:


{% comment %}
Renders a list of product's price (regular, sale)

- product: {Object} Product Liquid object (optional)
- placeholder: {Boolean} Renders a placeholder price (optional)
- use_variant: {Boolean} Renders selected or first variant price instead of overall product pricing (optional)
- show_badges: {Boolean} Renders 'Sale' and 'Sold Out' tags if the product matches the condition (optional)
- price_class: {String} Adds a price class to the price element (optional)
- show_compare_at_price: {Boolean} Renders the compare at price if the product matches the condition (optional)

{% render 'price', product: product %}
{% endcomment %}
{%- liquid
if use_variant
assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant
elsif placeholder
assign target = null
assign target = product

assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price
assign price = target.price | default: 1999
assign price_min = product.price_min
assign price_max = product.price_max
assign available = target.available | default: false
assign money_price = price | money
assign money_price_min = price_min | money
assign money_price_max = price_max | money
if settings.currency_code_enabled
assign money_price = price | money_with_currency
assign money_price_min = price_min | money_with_currency
assign money_price_max = price_max | money_with_currency

if target == product and product.price_varies
assign money_price = 'products.product.price.from_price_html' | t: price: money_price

{%- unless target == null and placeholder == null -%}
{%- if price_class %} {{ price_class }}{% endif -%}
{%- if available == false %} price--sold-out{% endif -%}
{%- if compare_at_price > price and product.quantity_price_breaks_configured? != true %} price--on-sale{% endif -%}
{%- if compare_at_price > price and product.quantity_price_breaks_configured? %} volume-pricing--sale-badge{% endif -%}
{%- if product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %} price--no-compare{% endif -%}
{%- if show_badges %} price--show-badge{% endif -%}
<div class="price__container">
{%- comment -%}
Explanation of description list:
- div.price__regular: Displayed when there are no variants on sale
- div.price__sale: Displayed when a variant is a sale
{%- endcomment -%}
<div class="price__regular">
{%- if product.quantity_price_breaks_configured? -%}
{%- if show_compare_at_price and compare_at_price -%}
{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}
<span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">
{{- 'products.product.price.regular_price' | t -}}
<s class="price-item price-item--regular variant-item__old-price">
{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %}
{{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }}
{% else %}
{{ compare_at_price | money }}
{% endif %}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endif -%}
<span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">{{ 'products.product.price.regular_price' | t }}</span>
<span class="price-item price-item--regular">
| t: minimum: money_price_min, maximum: money_price_max
{%- else -%}
<span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">{{ 'products.product.price.regular_price' | t }}</span>
<span class="price-item price-item--regular">
{{ money_price }}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="price__sale">
{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}
<span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">{{ 'products.product.price.regular_price' | t }}</span>
<s class="price-item price-item--regular">
{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %}
{{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }}
{% else %}
{{ compare_at_price | money }}
{% endif %}
{%- endunless -%}
<span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">{{ 'products.product.price.sale_price' | t }}</span>
<span class="price-item price-item--sale price-item--last">
{{ money_price }}
<small class="unit-price caption{% if product.selected_or_first_available_variant.unit_price_measurement == nil %} hidden{% endif %}">
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.product.price.unit_price' | t }}</span>
<span class="price-item price-item--last">
<span>{{- product.selected_or_first_available_variant.unit_price | money -}}</span>
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden">&nbsp;{{ 'accessibility.unit_price_separator' | t }}&nbsp;</span>
{%- if product.selected_or_first_available_variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- product.selected_or_first_available_variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit }}
{%- if show_badges -%}
<span class="badge price__badge-sale color-{{ settings.sale_badge_color_scheme }}">
{{ 'products.product.on_sale' | t }}

<span class="badge price__badge-sold-out color-{{ settings.sold_out_badge_color_scheme }}">
{{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endunless %}

Shopify Partner
3607 402 485

Hi @EdensBakehouse 


Add a Text block below the price section and include the content they want to display.

Refer to the example in this screenshot: Screenshot.


I hope this helps





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