Add X amount away from free shipping in added to cart pop up

Add X amount away from free shipping in added to cart pop up

5 0 1


I would like to add some text like this in the 'Item added to your cart' pop up so customers know how far they are from free shipping. Thank you!


"Almost there! ADD $54.00 USD to unlock FREE shipping! Continue shopping to add more products to your cart."


Screen Shot 2024-04-15 at 3.05.57 PM.png


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1371 104 145

Hello @purekiwigoods 


Welcome to Shopify Community.


Yes free shipping bar can be added to the cart but it will need code tweaks in the theme. Here's an example :

I would recommend you to seek help of a developer at reasonable cost to set up this in your theme.


let me know if you need one.



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