Re: Added section through code, not showing on 'Add Section' button. I just wanna quit...

Added section through code, not showing on 'Add Section' button. I just wanna quit...

29 1 3

Recently, I added a file called 'background-video.liquid' to the sections folder in order to create a section titled 'Video Background.' However, I'm facing an issue where the section doesn't show up in the 'Add Section' dropdown list when navigating to the Customize menu on Shopify. I'm seeking assistance on resolving this matter. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

background-video.liquid code:


Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
982 177 210

Hi @brightnight1012 , In order to show "add section" , you should add the presets attribute to the section schema, this will make your section a dynamic section that you can add anywhere in your theme .


"presets": [
      "name": "Announcement bar",
      "category": "Text"
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Unfortunately, the 'presets' attribute is already included before the 'endschema' in the file. For a detailed view of the code, please refer to this link:

Shopify Partner
982 177 210

@brightnight1012 , I tested your section on a couple of themes I have and it seems to work fine.

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In the Taste theme – when I click the 'Add Section' button in Customize, nothing happens. There is no "Video Background" appearing. I need to troubleshoot this. Any guidance on how to address and resolve this matter would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Now it somehow works... two hours after I implemented it and after about 5 times of logging in and out of the Shopify dashboard.

Shopify Partner
982 177 210

@brightnight1012 , make sure to make 

"max_blocks": 2, instead of 1 so you can add an image to your section.
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