Re: Adding a short description for each product on collections page FLEX theme

Adding a short description for each product on collections page FLEX theme

46 0 4

I want to add a short description for each product so you can see what each coffee tastes like before clicking through to product page. How can I do this using FLEX theme? (I want  I also want to make the names of the coffee bigger but they don't seem to change - where can I edit these?example of collection pageexample of collection page

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37583 3668 12151


yes, please this code your product cart, product item card item any file 


<div class="product-description-short">
  {{ product.description | truncate: 50, ". . . " }}



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46 0 4

Hi, thank you - where exactly do I add this code? is it in the theme.liquid somewhere or the style.css? if I truncate the description will it be able to show an image too in the description? I want it to display the roast level?

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


if possible to give me theme zip code so i will update or give me theme access 

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4 0 1

Hello, I also want to add mini descriptions to my products on the collection page and front page, can I get help with where the code goes?

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


yes, please share store url or used this code if are you have able to code

<div class="product-description-short">
  {{ product.description | truncate: 50, ". . . " }}
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I sent you a DM with my store URL

4 0 1


Did you get my message?

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Hi @GemMuir,

Please send me the code of featured-collection.liquid file, I will guide you to find the correct file and add the code

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46 0 4

I can't see a file for this anywhere do you know where it will be? It doesn't come up if I search this either?

46 0 4

There is a collection main.liquid? or shall I give you access? you might be able to fix the font too!

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


yes, please 

It can be done by doing some code customization. please send me a personal message and we can discuss what you'd like

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4895 1004 1176

Hi @GemMuir,

Please go to product-thumbnail__product-info.liquid file and add code here:


Hope it helps!

LitExtension - Shopping Cart Migration Expert
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Hi @GemMuir,

Please change code:

{{ product.description | strip_html | truncate: 100 }}


{{ product.metafields.custom.tastes_like_description }}

Then you just go to each product and add data for 'tastes_like_description' metafields, it will display fine.

LitExtension - Shopping Cart Migration Expert
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46 0 4

Screenshot 2022-07-06 at 15.51.41.png

I have added the code for the other 2 metafields that need to be displayed but the image doesn't show (just as a link) and I don't know how to style it!  Also want to make the product title much bigger but don't know where I can do this in the theme?

46 0 4
Shopify Partner
4895 1004 1176

Hi @GemMuir,

With image metafield, you need to change the code like following:

<img src="{{ product.metafields.custom.tastes_like_description | img_url: 'master' }}"alt="{{ product.metafields.custom.tastes_like_description.alt | escape }}">

The previous code only supports displaying text.

Hope it is clear to you.

LitExtension - Shopping Cart Migration Expert
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46 0 4

Screenshot 2022-07-07 at 15.11.32.png

 Hi, it is nearly there! just shows very squashed together.

1. How can I add space (padding) between the different metafields?

2. How can I change the size of the title font?

3. How can I change the font for the bottom meta field (tastes like)


Shopify Partner
4895 1004 1176

Hi @GemMuir,

Go to Assets > styles.css and paste this at the bottom of the file:

/* #1 */
.product-thumbnail__description img {
	padding: 5px 0;
/* #2 */
.product-thumbnail__title {
	font-size: 20px !important;

#3: Please send me the code you added for metafield, I will guide it for you.

LitExtension - Shopping Cart Migration Expert
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46 0 4

@LitExtension  here is the code for metafields:


<div class="product-thumbnail__description">
{{ product.metafields.descriptors.subtitle }} <br>
<img src="{{ product.metafields.custom.roast_level_info | img_url: 'master' }}"alt="{{ product.metafields.custom.roast_level_info.alt | escape }}">
{{ product.metafields.custom.tastes_like_description }}

46 0 4

@LitExtension  and how is the code to add padding to the other 2 metafields:


{{ product.metafields.descriptors.subtitle }} <br>

{{ product.metafields.custom.tastes_like_description }}

Shopify Partner
4895 1004 1176

Hi @GemMuir,

#3: Please change code:

<div class="product-thumbnail__description">
{{ product.metafields.descriptors.subtitle }} <br>
<img src="{{ product.metafields.custom.roast_level_info | img_url: 'master' }}"alt="{{ product.metafields.custom.roast_level_info.alt | escape }}">
<p style="font-size: 12px;">{{ product.metafields.custom.tastes_like_description }}</p>
LitExtension - Shopping Cart Migration Expert
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46 0 4

What is this the answer to? I need to do the following:


1. Change the font for last metafield

2. Add padding to the other 2 metafields

3. Display my stickers (they are no longer showing since adding this code)


The code above just looks like it's to change the font size?





46 0 4

@LitExtension my stickers (new / coming soon etc) are not showing since we added in the code for the custom description! How can I get them to display? They are enabled in my theme? Thanks

46 0 4

My stickers are not showing now either?

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


can you please send your code

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5 0 3

Does anyone know if there's a theme that lets you do this without adding custom code?