Re: Adding multiple Rich-text

Adding multiple Rich-text & image-with-text to a page

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Im trying to add code, for a new theme, for a new page

I followed a tutorial, so far i added this below:

{% section ‘rich-text’ %}

{% section ‘image-with-text’ %}


This worked fine after testing it out, i was able to customise the text, add an image with text next to it aswell.


The problem is, that I want to add multiple ‘rich-text’ sections AND multiple ‘image-with-text’ sections 


when i have attempted to do this, shopify has simply duplicated the 1st rich-text and the 1st image-with-text, and I’m not able to change it.

can anyone show me a step by step way, so I’m able to change each rich-text section & image-with-text section

Replies 3 (3)

176 12 10

To add multiple 'rich-text' sections, you can use the following Liquid code for each section:

{% section 'rich-text' %}

Copy and paste this code for each 'rich-text' section you want to add. For example:

{% section 'rich-text' %}
{% section 'rich-text' %}
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I have done this, but when I go into Shopify admin to input what I want
It will duplicate the 1st in the 2nd, 3rd and so on

How do I make it so, I can write different things in each rich text
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This is what I tried to do, but when I have written something in the 1st rich text section, 

it has duplicated it in the 2nd rich text section 

which it will not let me change the 2nd section



{% section ‘rich-text’ %}
{% section ’rich-text’ %}
what I’ve written in admin-

about us blah blah …

about us blah blah …


it won’t let me change the 2nd rich text 

do I need to type a code that basically says (don’t duplicate) or something?