adding previous and next blog article

adding previous and next blog article

Shopify Partner
152 1 9


Hello - i would like to be able to have the next and previous articles visible on each of my blog posts.


Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
637 92 116

Hi @TBS2023 ,


You can use below liquid code for next and previous.
{{ blog.previous_article.url }}

{{ blog.next_article.url }}


Let me know if you need further assistance.


Thank you

Sandeep Pangeni
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Shopify Partner
152 1 9

where shall i add this please?

Shopify Partner
637 92 116

Hi @TBS2023 ,

You can use {{ blog.previous_article.url }} and {{ blog.next_article.url }} only on the blog page.


If you want to add the next and previous article in the article page, it is not possible using the liquid code.


You either need to use third party app or build your own custom app.


Let me know if you need any assistance.


Thank you

Sandeep Pangeni
Need help with your store?
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Shopify Partner
152 1 9

ok but on what page...i have a few blog pages

Shopify Partner
152 1 9

So i have managed to add this code


<div class= row>
{% if blog.next_article != nil %}
<div style= "float: right; clear: right;">
<a href="{{ blog.next_article.url }}"><h3> Article Suivant >> </h3>


{% endif %}

{% if blog.previous_article != nil %}
<div style= "float: left; clear: left;">
<a href="{{ blog.previous_article.url }}"><h3> << Article Précédent </h3></a>

{% endif %}




Is there a way to show the blog image as well?