Adding print positions and printing techniques to product

Adding print positions and printing techniques to product

1 0 0

I am working with a printer that offers decent print position, color, and technique information on their partner website.  I would like to add this option on my own shopify website, and I have all of the API from the printer to do so, but I am not sure how to implement it. 


Attached is a screenshot from the printer's website that I am trying to recreate.  From a quick overview, it looks like I can handle this as a table, with the print position images in one row, the techniques in another row, and the details in another row.  The API has all of the information needed, but I need to figure out how to add this to each product, as well as be able to capture the information for the cart. 


See screenshots of product options, and API for one of the print positions.


Any advice is so so appreciated.  Thanks!


Screen Shot 2024-04-23 at 11.05.52 AM.pngScreen Shot 2024-04-23 at 11.07.07 AM.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
635 19 46

Hi @debonairdesign,

Have you thought about trying out the Easify Product Options app? It could be a great solution for effortlessly setting up your print position options and integrating them into your product pages. However, you might want to tweak its appearance to align with your desired design.

Below is a demo 🤗:

  • Storefront:


  • App settings:


Easify Product Options: Create custom product options 10X faster & easier!
Easify Product Attachments: Effortlessly add downloadable PDF files (or any other format) to Shopify pages!
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