Adding tags or metafields on front page and collection pages.

Adding tags or metafields on front page and collection pages.

19 0 3

Hey guys, i was looking into adding metafields or preferably tags to the front page and every collection page on my shopify store, i already have it on my product page i just want it to show under the title of each product as i've shown here with the red boxes. I am currently using the Debuitfy theme for shopfify.Screenshot 2023-12-26 at 11.48.00 pm.png

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hello @AdamA32 ,


You can add the metafields code to the collection grid file. If you are using Dawn theme you can find the file in Snippets named "card-product.liquid".


Add the code in the file after the product title:




If you are using a different theme then the file name might be different.

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Are you able to provide me with the code? The metafields are labelled as "subtitle"

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hi @AdamA32 
Share me the screenshot of metafields you have created, So that i can send you the code because i have to check the namespace and key of the metafields

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Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 12.26.51 am.png

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hi @AdamA32 
You can use the below code to show subtitle on the product page,

{% if product.metafields.custom.subtitle %}
{{ product.metafields.custom.subtitle.value }}
{% endif %}
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