Adding to cart goes to url path cart/add instead of cart

Adding to cart goes to url path cart/add instead of cart

Shopify Partner
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I'm working on Shopify theme development step by step. When I build out my cart page and add items to it, it redirects my theme to a /cart/add url path, instead of the /cart path and I have to manually remove the /add part. Additionally, I can't see any items I add to the cart, but I can see any other liquid elements I add to my cart.liquid page. Any help or suggestions? Code below from my cart.liquid page:


{% form 'cart', cart %}
    <h1> Cart </h1>

    {% if cart.empty? %}
        <p>Cart is empty</p>

    {% else %}
        {% for item in cart.items %}
                <img src="{{ item.image | image_url }}"  width="200" height="200" loading="lazy" />
                <h2>{{ item.title }}</h2>
                <p> {{ item.final_line_price | money }}</p>
                <input name="updates[]" value="{{ item.quantity }}"> 
                <a href="{{ item.url_to_remove }}">Remove</a>
        {% endfor %} 

    {% endif %}
    <p> Total: {{ cart.total_price | money }}</p>

    <button type="submit" name="update"> Update</button>
    <button type="submit" name="checkout"> Checkout</button>
{% endform %}



Code from my theme.liquid:

{% comment %}
    main connecting point for pages
{% endcomment %}

        {% comment %}
        {% endcomment %}
        {{ content_for_header }}

        {% comment %} Renders your sections or snippets. this renders your header snippet {% endcomment %}
        {% render 'header' %}
        {{ content_for_layout }}

        {% render 'footer' %}

Thank you for any help

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