Re: Adjust size of the collection photo - Craft theme

Adjust size of the collection photo - Craft theme

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Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 18.22.09.pngHi,


I want to ask if someone knows how to adjust to fit in the size of the collection within the craft theme


I will attach the image below 

Replies 11 (11)

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hello, chouxstudio. 


Could you please provide the link to the store?

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hey, choux, I'm sorry, how exactly are you wanting the image to look like? Because either the image will be cropped, or it will have a great amount of blank space around it. Is that what you want?



or are you wanting to make the two columns the same width?

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Hi @Uhrick, could you adjust it to remove all the blank spaces in the left photo? I tried and got a result like you, but I want just the center of the photo itself, not covered by the blank spaces around it.

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but do you want it to be a tiny pic next to the huge pic in the right? is that it? with different heights between both?

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I want them to have the same heights; maybe focus on the whole tray and try not to be cropped. Any idea?

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 have you thought of using the collection list section (in red) instead of the collage section (in green)?

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I did, but I don't want these two pictures to correspond; I prefer the wedding cake more significant than the other one. That's why I go with collage style. 

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for the whole tray to be focused, the image would have to be reduced as in the screenshot that I sent you. To keep them with the same height and the cake being more significant, you can try cropping the tray image yourself  in an aspect ratio that is more suitable to fit in this frame and upload it to the section again. It's the best way, as it prevents you from having to do trial and error to discover what width in css will be the best for you

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Could you suggest a suitable aspect ratio to fit the frame of the collection image? 

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433 68 102

currently the sizing of the frame is 352x967. So the aspect ratio would be approximately 36:100

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