Re: Auto Populate Product Title

Auto Populate Product Title

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Is it possible to auto populate the product title field taking values from multiple other shopify fields and metafields?


e.g. We want the product title to follow a set format made up of  " VENDOR | META1/META2/META3 | DESCRIPTION "


This so that anywhere within shopify or the online store the full product title as above would be displayed.


Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
191 42 51

Hello @MyHealthOasis 


Yes, it's possible to display other fields as a product title. Please follow the steps below:


Step 1: Go to admin and open Edit code

Step 2: Open the main-product.liquid section file to change on the product details page

Step 3: Find {{ product.title | escape }} and replace with {{ product.vendor | escape }} | {{ product.metafields.custom.META1 }}/{{ product.metafields.custom.META2 }}/{{ product.metafields.custom.META3 }} | {{ product.description }}

Note: Make sure to replace the meta fields namespace and key with your meta field namespace and key

Step 4: Save the file and check the result on the product details page


To change the product title over the product card, please follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open card-product.liquid (File may be different based on theme) snippets file

Step 2: Find {{ card_product.title | escape }} and replace it with {{ card_product.vendor | escape }} | {{ card_product.metafields.custom.META1 }}/{{ card_product.metafields.custom.META2 }}/{{ card_product.metafields.custom.META3 }} | {{ card_product.description }}

Note: Make sure to replace meta fields namespace and key with your meta field namespace and key

Step 3: Save the file and check the result over various pages where product cards display


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