BE YOURS Theme image swatches

BE YOURS Theme image swatches

New Member
6 0 0

Hello guys,


I have lots of different apps, that are not working together, so I will delete my Variant Options app, but need the image swatches therefor.


Support from BE YOURS theme is really bad. They have those instructions that still dont lead to it being fixed. And support is not helpful at all. To be honest I would like to tell that to shopify, so that they need to pay me my money back and buy a shopify theme only.


So maybe here is someone who has Be yours theme as well and was able to fix this problem?

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I set up in theme language 'Verpackung' for color swatch trigger.

Then I named the variants as in the document.

For example set ALT Text in #verpackung_weisse-pet-flasche and option in the product to weisse PET-Flasche.

But still it is not working and support is not responding anymore.


Can anyone help me to get this fixed or to tell me who to talk to from shopify about that so that I can get my money back as the developers dont assist me?


Thank you.

Reply 1 (1)
New Member
6 0 0

Dear AvelynJenn1,

thank you for your reply.

But to be honest, what you reply is exactly part of the problem.


Yesterday I chatted with shopify and they told me, that my set up is correct and it is the theme having a bug.

They will tell internal, that we are not satisfied, but there wont be something like telling the external developer, that his behavioir is not ok or block him from selling in shopify.

I think it is pretty sad, that if there is help needed in shopify, they dont fell like they they are responsible, because the contract is between external theme developer and the customer. I cant believe shopify cant see taht they are destroying their relationship to customer for protecting bad developer.

And there is always this sentence, like you wrote also, to contact a shopufy expert.

There is so much wrong about that.

I pay shopify, I pay for external theme (Whick I didnt even knew was extern as it is sold in shopify theme store) and they say theme can do this feature. Why then I should pay more foran expert, for having an developer dont work correctly?

This attitude from shopify is really on my nerves so much and I think, it will be reason for dropping it.

Many regards
