BUG REPORT: New Product Created With Active Status By Default

BUG REPORT: New Product Created With Active Status By Default

34 1 32

In the "Summer 22" edition, when you create new products they are automatically set to default. Historically, the status has been set to Draft by default, thus allowing stores to create new product listings and add them to a transfer prior to receiving and not having future items displayed to the public. The new release sets the status to Active by default.



Log in to Shopify web admin page

Click on the Products tab.

At the top of the product listing click Add Product.


Expected Result:

The Add Product screen is displayed with Product Status = Draft.


Actual Result:

The Add Product screen is displayed with Product Status = Active.

Bloody Rose Boutique
Austin, TX
Replies 3 (3)

1 0 1

Is this bug going to be fixed or is this permanent? I set up new items in advance and it was nice that they were set to "draft" automatically, so there is not a mistake of an item going live when it's not supposed to.

1 0 0

did you get a response on this or find a way to change this? i am having the same issue

thank you


34 1 32

Of course not. Shopify sucks at hearing actual retail-user issues.

Bloody Rose Boutique
Austin, TX