Buttons on Mobile adjusting size and adjusting text size

Buttons on Mobile adjusting size and adjusting text size

47 1 11



i am looking for help!


i am building my online store and i would lie to resize my buttons and text on the mobile version.

for the Slideshow and also image banners i have


could someone help me?


attached are some screenshots


here the website: https://r1vrxk-m4.myshopify.com/

password: wirul


thanks for the help!



Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-18 um 11.40.07.pngBildschirmfoto 2025-01-18 um 11.40.15.png

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
177 13 25

Hey @LeandroS this is Qasim a Sr. Shopify developer and official shopify partner.

Could you please tell me the size of font-size in px so that I provide you code regarding your requirement size.

Also please if you have work regarding shopify please consider hiring shopify developer like me who can solve each bug in your store.



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47 1 11

dont really know the px size, would it be possible so i can change it myself so i can see what i like best?


275 39 42

Hi LeandroS


Regarding the size adjustment issues, it will depend on which part you are adjusting. For example, for text, you can go to the heading size to change the size.
Here is a detailed image: https://prnt.sc/Jd9dYr4YFAKZ


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47 1 11

yes i already have it in small but maybe there is a way to make it even smaller? and how about the buttons?