Can I display explicit content on my e-commerce lingerie site?

Can I display explicit content on my e-commerce lingerie site?

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I'm creating an eshop on shopify for my brand of lingerie and erotic garments.

I have a lookbook for my collection in which we can see model's nipples. It is not at all **bleep**ography.

Is this a problem for shopify? Do I need to put a disclaimer on my website? If yes, how can I do it?


Thank you very much

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2139 616 520

Hey @lafetedustring,


I am not completely sure about Shopify's policies regarding this, but you should add a age check although it doesn't really prevent anyone underage from entering. At least you let them know what the content is before entering. 


There's a nice post by @TyW which tells you how to do this. I checked the code, you'll probably have to add the more recent years (I'll show that down below)
Link to the post:



Current code is upto 2015. The first one you change to 2024 within quotes, and down below you follow the same format of line 78 and add the more recent years above the "2012" option, but below the "- Year -" option



There are thousands of ways to do this, but this one's already out there, so it's a quick suggestion that I can do.


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