Re: Can product description move to under image with full-width container in a SPECIFIC product page


Can product description move to under image with full-width container in a SPECIFIC product page?

6 0 1



I'm new to Shopify and want to ask experienced users here.

We use Dawn theme, the product page has 2 columns for image on the left and other info on the right side,

we want to move only product description part (Not including title, add to cart button etc.) to under image on the left column part, but with full-width container (Maybe batter to say a column?) only in a SPECIFIC product page.


We hope to do it without apps, modifying codes or css etc,

but we are not a proper skilled coding people, so if someone knows how to do it, please could you advice with

a detailed explanation? thank you very much.



Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
1996 147 205

This is an accepted solution.

Yes, create the new product template for it and follow the steps mentioned in the below video.



Hope this will help...


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Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
1996 147 205

This is an accepted solution.

Yes, create the new product template for it and follow the steps mentioned in the below video.



Hope this will help...


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6 0 1
Hi Gr_trading、
Thanks for the advice, I almost understand and succeeded to add the "custom.liquid" section in a template.
I put a class name "page-width" to the code just like your video shows. as below.
<div class="page-width">
{{ product.description }}
The custom.liquid section shows product description texts and images,
text is alright, but the image is too big that it even exceeds the page width,
how can we adjust size of all images of product description to page maximum size (Width)?
In the original product description section, images are automatically adjusted to fit page width
(or section's width ) , but why custom.liquid doesn't work like that?
Shopify Partner
1996 147 205

It's because product section is created for product specific information.


Where Shopify knows that people will use images for detailing.


Whereas custom liquid section is made to be customised, therefore you have to write custom CSS according to your requirement.


Hope this is clear and request you to mark answer as solution.

For any custom development WhatsApp or connect at Email ID: for quick consultation. | Shopify Free codes
To support Buy Me a Coffee
6 0 1


Oh, I was forgetting such basic thing since I'm not such experienced person 

in this field. but just tried out using some html in the custom liquid with css

worked out. 


2 column blocks in a parent block in custom liquid section,

then using css to adjust width and so on, that's what we did.


Thank you for a great advice!

