Cart size not full screen on mobile

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Dear all, 

I have just recently launched my website, within my first few orders. I have had many negative feedback on the cart full screen problem. Every time a customer add product into basket/cart, the cart window will pop up in full screen on their mobile device. I am currently using warehouse theme, if anyone can assist please, to make the cart window not full screen but a popup or half the screen. 

Thank you very much, L 


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
2302 570 1423


Please provide website url and if your store is password protected then also provide password So I will check and provide a solution here.

Shopify Partner
537 108 161


1. Go to your store Click on Actions > Edit Code 

2. Go to Assets > theme.css and add below lines at the bottom of the file:

form#mini-cart width: 70%right: 0left:136px;

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
