Change background & font colour of order confirmation & shipping confirmation email

Change background & font colour of order confirmation & shipping confirmation email

29 0 7

Hi All,


I would like to change the background colour and the font colour of my order confirmation & shipping confirmation emails.


The accent colour is already orange... the email currently looks like this:


Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 19.44.18.png


Is there a code I can add on both templates to change the background and font colour?

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Shopify Partner
396 76 117

Hi @harper1989 ,


To change background & font colour of order confirmation & shipping confirmation email


1. Go to Your Shopify Admin:

Navigate to Settings > Notifications.


2. Select the Email Template to Edit:

Choose the email notification you want to customize, such as Order confirmation or Shipping confirmation.


3. Edit the Email Template:

Click on the email you want to edit. You'll see a template written in HTML and Liquid (Shopify's templating language).


4. Change the Background Color:

Locate the <body> tag or any <table> or <div> that you want to change the background color for.

Add or modify the style attribute to include a background-color property.


For example:


<body style="background-color: #f5f5f5;">

Replace #f5f5f5 with the hex code of your desired background color.


5. Change the Font Color:

Look for any <p>, <span>, or other text-containing elements.

Add or modify the style attribute to include a color property.


For example:


  <p style="color: #333333;">Thank you for your order!</p>

Replace #333333 with the hex code of your desired font color.


6. Save Your Changes


I hope this helps! If it does, please like it and mark it as a solution!  
If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out!






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