Change default styling of Sort_by dropdown

Change default styling of Sort_by dropdown

20 1 9

Hello - I'm trying to find a way to change the styling of the Sort_by dropdown list. I can't seem to find why it isn't adopting the styling of the "facet-filter" class, like everything else in that bar. I haven't made any adjustments to its's like the out-of-the-box styling is different for sort_by and I can't figure out how to update it. I'm using Craft theme v13.0.0. My website is here:

Here's what the sort_by styling looks like:


and here's what the other dropdown styling looks like (Note: I am using the Shopify Search & Discovery app to create these additional filters):



Any tips for how to get the sort_by to adopt the styling of the other facet items? Thanks!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
132 16 19

Hey @dannye770 


I hope you are well and safe!!


For sort_by option layout need to update on coding file, for this we need to access your code and update some theme code.

Thank you

Pooja Devi