Change quick buy button in Symmetry Theme

Change quick buy button in Symmetry Theme

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12 0 5

Hi there,


I would like to change my quick-buy button 


from this to a shopping cart icon similar to this 



Can someone please help what can I do to change the following? Can't find any option in the front end



Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
9136 1828 1863

Hi @kaspianfuad 

Can you drop your store link?

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Hi @Dan-From-Ryviu  this is the store link

Shopify Partner
9136 1828 1863

Hi @kaspianfuad 

Your cart icon is svg icon and does not have link so if you want to do that similar, it will need to edit your theme file a little bit. Can I send request collaborator so I can help you to do  this?

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@Dan-From-Ryviu Actually I don't have the permission to add collaborator as I am doing this for someone else, can you explain what can I change to do this?

Shopify Partner
9136 1828 1863

You can copy cart icon code and go to your product card file of your theme then replace it with current default quick buy text. 

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Shopify Partner
12 0 5

@Dan-From-Ryviu Can I show you by inspecting the quick buy button? Can you specifically tell me where to change in the code and in which theme file?

Shopify Partner
9136 1828 1863

I cannot tell you exactly the name because per theme has different file name. You must check yourself. 

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