Change Shipping Method Error Message

9 0 2

Hello, I am using the Debut theme. I would like to require a minimum order value in order to let customers place an order. I don't want to use an app to do this. Ive tried conditioning my shipping to require $10 minimum which does in fact prevent the order from being placed, but it doesn't make sense to customers.


The following error message is displayed:


"This order can't be shipped to your location. Contact the store for more information." 


I would like to change this error message to read something like:


"This order can't be shipped to your location, or you haven't met the $10.00 minimum order. Contact the store for more information." 


I figured that editing this error message would be a simple edit within the checkout section of languages, but does not appear to be in there. Is it possible to change the above mentioned error message? If so, where can I change it?





Replies 3 (3)

9 0 2

Any suggestions on this one? If it isn't possible to change that error message does anyone have any creative solutions for letting customers know there is a minimum order value required? Again, not trying to buy an app for such a simple problem. Thanks! 

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I'm looking for an answer to this question also. Does anyone know?

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Shopify Steps

Log into your Shopify admin account.
Navigate to Settings > Checkout.
Scroll to the Checkout Language section.
Click the Manage Checkout Language button.
Scroll down to the Checkout Shipping section. (I found it on Checkout shipping errors shipping method not available generic; line One)  Type the new text. 
Edit the text in the No rates for cart or destination notice textbox.
Click the Save button.
Test your error message in the cart/checkout.


I worked for me, hope it helps.