
Changing the Gift Card Icon in email

Shopify Partner
128 12 34

Good day, I am sorry if this was asked before but i would really apreciate the help!

I am trying to change the gift card icon that comes with the email that you send from Shopify, I am not using any apps.

Here is the Original Card in the email:



And this is the page it leads to on the site: (Link:



I have already uploaded the new card i want to use into my assets, it called : Email-Card.png

I found the code responsible for it in the: Templates-> gift_card.liquid

I tried changing the image source using this code : <img src="{{ 'blue-giftcard.png' | asset_img_url: '1024x1024' }}" alt="">

But it keeps giving me an error after i apply it

Here is a screenshot of the code:

True to Sole _ E.png




I am using the Prestige theme

Store link:

Thank you for the help in advance!

Accepted Solution (1)

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Replies 3 (3)

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12289 2547 3698

This is an accepted solution.

Shopify Partner
128 12 34


I followed the steps in this page, it is still giving me an error

Shopify Partner
128 12 34

It Worked