Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
Where can i locate the correct code to use to make my first banner on the dawn theme clickable
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Please go to image-banner.liquid file and change all code:
{{ 'section-image-banner.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{%- if section.settings.image_height == 'adapt' and section.settings.image != blank -%}
{%- style -%}
@media screen and (max-width: 749px) {
#Banner-{{ }}::before,
#Banner-{{ }} .banner__media::before,
#Banner-{{ }}:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .banner__content::before {
padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;
content: '';
display: block;
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
#Banner-{{ }}::before,
#Banner-{{ }} .banner__media::before {
padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;
content: '';
display: block;
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- style -%}
#Banner-{{ }}::after {
opacity: {{ section.settings.image_overlay_opacity | divided_by: 100.0 }};
.banner__action-full {
display: block !important;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 2;
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- liquid
assign full_width = '100vw'
assign widths = '375, 550, 750, 1100, 1500, 1780, 2000, 3000, 3840'
if section.settings.image_behavior == 'ambient'
assign half_width = '60vw'
assign full_width = '120vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '(min-width: 750px) 60vw, 120vw'
assign widths = '450, 660, 900, 1320, 1800, 2136, 2400, 3600, 7680'
elsif section.settings.image_behavior == 'fixed' or section.settings.image_behavior == 'zoom-in'
assign half_width = '100vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '100vw'
assign half_width = '50vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '(min-width: 750px) 50vw, 100vw'
assign fetch_priority = 'auto'
if section.index == 1
assign fetch_priority = 'high'
id="Banner-{{ }}"
class="banner banner--content-align-{{ section.settings.desktop_content_alignment }} banner--content-align-mobile-{{ section.settings.mobile_content_alignment }} banner--{{ section.settings.image_height }}{% if section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile and section.settings.image != blank and section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner--stacked{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_height == 'adapt' and section.settings.image != blank %} banner--adapt{% endif %}{% if section.settings.show_text_below %} banner--mobile-bottom{%- endif -%}{% if section.settings.show_text_box == false %} banner--desktop-transparent{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}"
{%- if section.settings.image != blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image == blank and section.settings.image_2 == blank %} placeholder{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{%- liquid
assign image_height = section.settings.image.width | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio
if section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign image_class = 'banner__media-image-half'
if section.settings.image_2 != blank and section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile
assign sizes = stacked_sizes
elsif section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign sizes = half_width
assign sizes = full_width
| image_url: width: 3840
| image_tag:
width: section.settings.image.width,
height: image_height,
class: image_class,
sizes: sizes,
widths: widths,
fetchpriority: fetch_priority
{%- elsif section.settings.image_2 == blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image == blank and section.settings.image_2 == blank %} placeholder{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{{ 'hero-apparel-1' | placeholder_svg_tag: 'placeholder-svg' }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image_2 != blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{%- liquid
assign image_height_2 = section.settings.image_2.width | divided_by: section.settings.image_2.aspect_ratio
if section.settings.image != blank
assign image_class_2 = 'banner__media-image-half'
if section.settings.image != blank and section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile
assign sizes = stacked_sizes
elsif section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign sizes = half_width
assign sizes = full_width
| image_url: width: 3840
| image_tag:
width: section.settings.image_2.width,
height: image_height_2,
class: image_class_2,
sizes: sizes,
widths: widths,
fetchpriority: fetch_priority
{%- endif -%}
<div class="banner__content banner__content--{{ section.settings.desktop_content_position }} page-width{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
<div class="banner__box content-container content-container--full-width-mobile color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} gradient">
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
{%- case block.type -%}
{%- when 'heading' -%}
class="banner__heading inline-richtext {{ block.settings.heading_size }}"
{{ block.shopify_attributes }}
{{ block.settings.heading }}
{%- when 'text' -%}
<div class="banner__text rte {{ block.settings.text_style }}" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
<p>{{ block.settings.text }}</p>
{%- when 'buttons' -%}
class="banner__buttons{% if block.settings.button_label_1 != blank and block.settings.button_label_2 != blank %} banner__buttons--multiple{% endif %}"
{{ block.shopify_attributes }}
{%- if block.settings.button_label_1 != blank -%}
{% if block.settings.button_link_1 == blank %}
role="link" aria-disabled="true"
{% else %}
href="{{ block.settings.button_link_1 }}"
{% endif %}
class="button{% if block.settings.button_style_secondary_1 %} button--secondary{% else %} button--primary{% endif %}"
{{- block.settings.button_label_1 | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.button_label_2 != blank -%}
{% if block.settings.button_link_2 == blank %}
role="link" aria-disabled="true"
{% else %}
href="{{ block.settings.button_link_2 }}"
{% endif %}
class="button{% if block.settings.button_style_secondary_2 %} button--secondary{% else %} button--primary{% endif %}"
{{- block.settings.button_label_2 | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endcase -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if != blank -%}
<a href="{{ }}" class="banner__action-full"></a>
{%- endif -%}
{% schema %}
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"id": "link",
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"type": "image_picker",
"id": "image_2",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_2.label"
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"max": 100,
"step": 10,
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"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_overlay_opacity.label",
"default": 0
"type": "select",
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"value": "adapt",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.options__1.label"
"value": "small",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.options__2.label"
"value": "medium",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.options__3.label"
"value": "large",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.options__4.label"
"default": "medium",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.label",
"info": ""
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"value": "top-center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__2.label"
"value": "top-right",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__3.label"
"value": "middle-left",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__4.label"
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"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__5.label"
"value": "middle-right",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__6.label"
"value": "bottom-left",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__7.label"
"value": "bottom-center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__8.label"
"value": "bottom-right",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__9.label"
"default": "middle-center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.label"
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"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_alignment.options__3.label"
"default": "center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_alignment.label"
"type": "color_scheme",
"id": "color_scheme",
"label": "t:sections.all.colors.label",
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"type": "header",
"content": "t:sections.all.animation.content"
"type": "select",
"id": "image_behavior",
"options": [
"value": "none",
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"value": "ambient",
"label": "t:sections.all.animation.image_behavior.options__2.label"
"value": "fixed",
"label": "t:sections.all.animation.image_behavior.options__3.label"
"value": "zoom-in",
"label": "t:sections.all.animation.image_behavior.options__4.label"
"default": "none",
"label": "t:sections.all.animation.image_behavior.label"
"type": "header",
"content": ""
"type": "select",
"id": "mobile_content_alignment",
"options": [
"value": "left",
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"value": "center",
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"value": "right",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.mobile_content_alignment.options__3.label"
"default": "center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.mobile_content_alignment.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "stack_images_on_mobile",
"default": true,
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.stack_images_on_mobile.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_text_below",
"default": true,
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.show_text_below.label"
"blocks": [
"type": "heading",
"name": "",
"limit": 1,
"settings": [
"type": "inline_richtext",
"id": "heading",
"default": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.heading.settings.heading.default",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.heading.settings.heading.label"
"type": "select",
"id": "heading_size",
"options": [
"value": "h2",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__1.label"
"value": "h1",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__2.label"
"value": "h0",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__3.label"
"value": "hxl",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__4.label"
"value": "hxxl",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__5.label"
"default": "h1",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.label"
"type": "text",
"name": "",
"limit": 1,
"settings": [
"type": "inline_richtext",
"id": "text",
"default": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.text.settings.text.default",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.text.settings.text.label"
"type": "select",
"id": "text_style",
"options": [
"value": "body",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.text.settings.text_style.options__1.label"
"value": "subtitle",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.text.settings.text_style.options__2.label"
"value": "caption-with-letter-spacing",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.text.settings.text_style.options__3.label"
"default": "body",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.text.settings.text_style.label"
"type": "buttons",
"name": "",
"limit": 1,
"settings": [
"type": "text",
"id": "button_label_1",
"default": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_label_1.default",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_label_1.label",
"info": ""
"type": "url",
"id": "button_link_1",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_link_1.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "button_style_secondary_1",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_style_secondary_1.label"
"type": "text",
"id": "button_label_2",
"default": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_label_2.default",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_label_2.label",
"info": ""
"type": "url",
"id": "button_link_2",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_link_2.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "button_style_secondary_2",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.blocks.buttons.settings.button_style_secondary_2.label"
"presets": [
"name": "",
"blocks": [
"type": "heading"
"type": "text"
"type": "buttons"
{% endschema %}
It will help you add the link here and everything works fine:
Hi, @Steph1232aqwse
Can you take a screenshot to describe your requirements? So that I can assist you.
@AnneLuo hi. I just had a question a little away from the topic.
I wanted to know how to add that custom message beneath that underline in our posts. I am talking about the part where you ask the client to like or accept your answer as a solution.
Hi. Are you talking about a personal signature?
this is what I am talking about
This helps actually. Thanks
Hi Anne this is the first image banner block on the dawn theme i was not make it clickable.
Okay. Got it. Do you want to click and jump to another page? This requires modifying the theme code.
@Steph1232aqwse Open your image-banner.liquid file and replace this code
{{ 'section-image-banner.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{%- if section.settings.image_height == 'adapt' and section.settings.image != blank -%}
{%- style -%}
@media screen and (max-width: 749px) {
#Banner-{{ }}::before,
#Banner-{{ }} .banner__media::before,
#Banner-{{ }}:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .banner__content::before {
padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;
content: '';
display: block;
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
#Banner-{{ }}::before,
#Banner-{{ }} .banner__media::before {
padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;
content: '';
display: block;
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- style -%}
#Banner-{{ }}::after {
opacity: {{ section.settings.image_overlay_opacity | divided_by: 100.0 }};
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- liquid
assign full_width = '100vw'
assign widths = '375, 550, 750, 1100, 1500, 1780, 2000, 3000, 3840'
if section.settings.image_behavior == 'ambient'
assign half_width = '60vw'
assign full_width = '120vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '(min-width: 750px) 60vw, 120vw'
assign widths = '450, 660, 900, 1320, 1800, 2136, 2400, 3600, 7680'
elsif section.settings.image_behavior == 'fixed' or section.settings.image_behavior == 'zoom-in'
assign half_width = '100vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '100vw'
assign half_width = '50vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '(min-width: 750px) 50vw, 100vw'
assign fetch_priority = 'auto'
if section.index == 1
assign fetch_priority = 'high'
<div data-link="{% if section.settings.url %}{{ section.settings.url }}{% else %}/{% endif %}"
id="Banner-{{ }}"
class="banner banner--content-align-{{ section.settings.desktop_content_alignment }} banner--content-align-mobile-{{ section.settings.mobile_content_alignment }} banner--{{ section.settings.image_height }}{% if section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile and section.settings.image != blank and section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner--stacked{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_height == 'adapt' and section.settings.image != blank %} banner--adapt{% endif %}{% if section.settings.show_text_below %} banner--mobile-bottom{%- endif -%}{% if section.settings.show_text_box == false %} banner--desktop-transparent{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}"
{%- if section.settings.image != blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image == blank and section.settings.image_2 == blank %} placeholder{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{%- liquid
assign image_height = section.settings.image.width | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio
if section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign image_class = 'banner__media-image-half'
if section.settings.image_2 != blank and section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile
assign sizes = stacked_sizes
elsif section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign sizes = half_width
assign sizes = full_width
| image_url: width: 3840
| image_tag:
width: section.settings.image.width,
height: image_height,
class: image_class,
sizes: sizes,
widths: widths,
fetchpriority: fetch_priority
{%- elsif section.settings.image_2 == blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image == blank and section.settings.image_2 == blank %} placeholder{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{{ 'hero-apparel-1' | placeholder_svg_tag: 'placeholder-svg' }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image_2 != blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{%- liquid
assign image_height_2 = section.settings.image_2.width | divided_by: section.settings.image_2.aspect_ratio
if section.settings.image != blank
assign image_class_2 = 'banner__media-image-half'
if section.settings.image != blank and section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile
assign sizes = stacked_sizes
elsif section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign sizes = half_width
assign sizes = full_width
| image_url: width: 3840
| image_tag:
width: section.settings.image_2.width,
height: image_height_2,
class: image_class_2,
sizes: sizes,
widths: widths,
fetchpriority: fetch_priority
{%- endif -%}
<div class="banner__content banner__content--{{ section.settings.desktop_content_position }} page-width{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
<div class="banner__box content-container content-container--full-width-mobile color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} gradient">
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
{%- case block.type -%}
{%- when 'heading' -%}
class="banner__heading inline-richtext {{ block.settings.heading_size }}"
{{ block.shopify_attributes }}
{{ block.settings.heading }}
{%- when 'text' -%}
<div class="banner__text rte {{ block.settings.text_style }}" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
<p>{{ block.settings.text }}</p>
{%- when 'buttons' -%}
class="banner__buttons{% if block.settings.button_label_1 != blank and block.settings.button_label_2 != blank %} banner__buttons--multiple{% endif %}"
{{ block.shopify_attributes }}
{%- if block.settings.button_label_1 != blank -%}
{% if block.settings.button_link_1 == blank %}
role="link" aria-disabled="true"
{% else %}
href="{{ block.settings.button_link_1 }}"
{% endif %}
class="button{% if block.settings.button_style_secondary_1 %} button--secondary{% else %} button--primary{% endif %}"
{{- block.settings.button_label_1 | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.button_label_2 != blank -%}
{% if block.settings.button_link_2 == blank %}
role="link" aria-disabled="true"
{% else %}
href="{{ block.settings.button_link_2 }}"
{% endif %}
class="button{% if block.settings.button_style_secondary_2 %} button--secondary{% else %} button--primary{% endif %}"
{{- block.settings.button_label_2 | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endcase -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% schema %}
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"value": "medium",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.options__3.label"
"value": "large",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.options__4.label"
"default": "medium",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.image_height.label",
"info": ""
"type": "select",
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"value": "top-left",
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"value": "top-center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__2.label"
"value": "top-right",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__3.label"
"value": "middle-left",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__4.label"
"value": "middle-center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__5.label"
"value": "middle-right",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__6.label"
"value": "bottom-left",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__7.label"
"value": "bottom-center",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__8.label"
"value": "bottom-right",
"label": "t:sections.image-banner.settings.desktop_content_position.options__9.label"
"default": "middle-center",
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const banner = document.querySelector('.banner');"pointer";
banner.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
const target =;
window.location.href = `${target}`; // Replace with your desired URL
This will give you an option in your customizer to add links within your store to certain pages, products, etc or any external url by pasting the pasting the url
Hope this helps
Your a star it worked. thank you very much.
@Steph1232aqwse Glad it worked out for you.
Good luck on your store and business!
i think i used another partners code. with all these messages coming through its quite confusing who sending and advising me apologies.
@Steph1232aqwse do you need the entire image banner section clickable?
@Steph1232aqwse I have provided the solution above. Take a look at it.
This is an accepted solution.
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Please go to image-banner.liquid file and change all code:
{{ 'section-image-banner.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{%- if section.settings.image_height == 'adapt' and section.settings.image != blank -%}
{%- style -%}
@media screen and (max-width: 749px) {
#Banner-{{ }}::before,
#Banner-{{ }} .banner__media::before,
#Banner-{{ }}:not(.banner--mobile-bottom) .banner__content::before {
padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;
content: '';
display: block;
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
#Banner-{{ }}::before,
#Banner-{{ }} .banner__media::before {
padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;
content: '';
display: block;
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- style -%}
#Banner-{{ }}::after {
opacity: {{ section.settings.image_overlay_opacity | divided_by: 100.0 }};
.banner__action-full {
display: block !important;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 2;
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- liquid
assign full_width = '100vw'
assign widths = '375, 550, 750, 1100, 1500, 1780, 2000, 3000, 3840'
if section.settings.image_behavior == 'ambient'
assign half_width = '60vw'
assign full_width = '120vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '(min-width: 750px) 60vw, 120vw'
assign widths = '450, 660, 900, 1320, 1800, 2136, 2400, 3600, 7680'
elsif section.settings.image_behavior == 'fixed' or section.settings.image_behavior == 'zoom-in'
assign half_width = '100vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '100vw'
assign half_width = '50vw'
assign stacked_sizes = '(min-width: 750px) 50vw, 100vw'
assign fetch_priority = 'auto'
if section.index == 1
assign fetch_priority = 'high'
id="Banner-{{ }}"
class="banner banner--content-align-{{ section.settings.desktop_content_alignment }} banner--content-align-mobile-{{ section.settings.mobile_content_alignment }} banner--{{ section.settings.image_height }}{% if section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile and section.settings.image != blank and section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner--stacked{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_height == 'adapt' and section.settings.image != blank %} banner--adapt{% endif %}{% if section.settings.show_text_below %} banner--mobile-bottom{%- endif -%}{% if section.settings.show_text_box == false %} banner--desktop-transparent{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}"
{%- if section.settings.image != blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image == blank and section.settings.image_2 == blank %} placeholder{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{%- liquid
assign image_height = section.settings.image.width | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio
if section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign image_class = 'banner__media-image-half'
if section.settings.image_2 != blank and section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile
assign sizes = stacked_sizes
elsif section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign sizes = half_width
assign sizes = full_width
| image_url: width: 3840
| image_tag:
width: section.settings.image.width,
height: image_height,
class: image_class,
sizes: sizes,
widths: widths,
fetchpriority: fetch_priority
{%- elsif section.settings.image_2 == blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image == blank and section.settings.image_2 == blank %} placeholder{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_2 != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{{ 'hero-apparel-1' | placeholder_svg_tag: 'placeholder-svg' }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.image_2 != blank -%}
<div class="banner__media media{% if section.settings.image != blank %} banner__media-half{% endif %}{% if section.settings.image_behavior != 'none' %} animate--{{ section.settings.image_behavior }}{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--fade-in{% endif %}">
{%- liquid
assign image_height_2 = section.settings.image_2.width | divided_by: section.settings.image_2.aspect_ratio
if section.settings.image != blank
assign image_class_2 = 'banner__media-image-half'
if section.settings.image != blank and section.settings.stack_images_on_mobile
assign sizes = stacked_sizes
elsif section.settings.image_2 != blank
assign sizes = half_width
assign sizes = full_width
| image_url: width: 3840
| image_tag:
width: section.settings.image_2.width,
height: image_height_2,
class: image_class_2,
sizes: sizes,
widths: widths,
fetchpriority: fetch_priority
{%- endif -%}
<div class="banner__content banner__content--{{ section.settings.desktop_content_position }} page-width{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
<div class="banner__box content-container content-container--full-width-mobile color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} gradient">
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
{%- case block.type -%}
{%- when 'heading' -%}
class="banner__heading inline-richtext {{ block.settings.heading_size }}"
{{ block.shopify_attributes }}
{{ block.settings.heading }}
{%- when 'text' -%}
<div class="banner__text rte {{ block.settings.text_style }}" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
<p>{{ block.settings.text }}</p>
{%- when 'buttons' -%}
class="banner__buttons{% if block.settings.button_label_1 != blank and block.settings.button_label_2 != blank %} banner__buttons--multiple{% endif %}"
{{ block.shopify_attributes }}
{%- if block.settings.button_label_1 != blank -%}
{% if block.settings.button_link_1 == blank %}
role="link" aria-disabled="true"
{% else %}
href="{{ block.settings.button_link_1 }}"
{% endif %}
class="button{% if block.settings.button_style_secondary_1 %} button--secondary{% else %} button--primary{% endif %}"
{{- block.settings.button_label_1 | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if block.settings.button_label_2 != blank -%}
{% if block.settings.button_link_2 == blank %}
role="link" aria-disabled="true"
{% else %}
href="{{ block.settings.button_link_2 }}"
{% endif %}
class="button{% if block.settings.button_style_secondary_2 %} button--secondary{% else %} button--primary{% endif %}"
{{- block.settings.button_label_2 | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endcase -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if != blank -%}
<a href="{{ }}" class="banner__action-full"></a>
{%- endif -%}
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It will help you add the link here and everything works fine:
so it works in terms of it creates a clickable link however when you clip on the banner it directs you to an error page. instead of the product
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Did you enter the link for it at Customize?
If you have any questions, you can contact me directly.
Happy to help you 😊
Hi Namphan
Please can you check the codes you provided as it link to a code page after it has been embedded eded into my site
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
I don't understand, can you explain more about it?
Please send me the site link, I will check it
@namphan thank you for your quick reply. please see the link below to our site if you click on the banner you will see it takes you to an error page rather than it directing you to the product page of the pink blazer.
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Did you add the link here?
@namphan Yes, as i have products already saved in my store, i was able to select the product link from the drop down menu that appeared when i clicked in that section.
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
You selected the link but it still doesn't work? Or do you want to change the way link selection works
Hi @namphan it still doesn’t work. if you click on the banner from my site you will see the error page 404 message that comes up.
in essences the code for the clickable feature on my site was installed properly, however when you actually click on the banner it directs you to a 404 error page instead on the actual page of the product.
Hope thats makes sense
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Can I send you a collaborator invitation? I will check it for you
Yes. sure, that will be helpful.
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Please send me your collaborator code and I will send you an invitation
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
I sent it
access has been granted.
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Access is still pending, may be delayed, when access is granted, I will check it soon
please check i have granted you access
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
i checked and JS code was added, it causes this error:
You just need to change everything like the code I instructed, then go to customize:
add link here:
it will work fine
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
Did everything work fine?
am not 100% clear what your advising me to do next. after seeing the error on the banner. what do you suggest i do so resolve the issue
Yes it worked. thank you.
Hey @Steph1232aqwse I thought your query was solved. I posted the code and you were positive with it.
Hi @Shadab_dev the code work but when i tested it. it is showing an error 404 page when even you click on the banner
@Steph1232aqwse I was facing this issue but i realised it was only happening when I linked to a page or product or any where within my store that was not correctly set up. Please make sure the page or link you are redirecting is set up properly. If it still persists let me know I will take a look at it again.
Hi @Shadab_dev, @Steph1232aqwse
It has 2 errors that will happen if you use this JS code for this:
- You use 'document.querySelector' so when you use 2 sections it will cause error in 2nd section.
- Because you use Shopify 'url', so when selecting a product, the link will be rendered as '/products/handle product', so you use 'window.location.href = `${target}` ' it will cause page 404.
Hope it's clear 😊
@namphan I see my mistake. i just had to use currentTarget instead of target so that even if someone clicks inside the banner to different element it will look for the banner since i have the click listener on the banner.
Hope you get the point.
@Steph1232aqwse I get the mistake i was making. My Solution remains the same. Only change the code on the file that is down below after everything to this
const banner = document.querySelector('.banner');"pointer";
banner.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
const target =;
window.location.href = `${target}`; // Replace with your desired URL
Rest of the code is same. Man if this does not work i am not replying to this thread ever.
Hi @Steph1232aqwse,
You just need to follow this guide, then add the link at Customize, it will work fine, no need to change any code according to anyone else's instructions.
If you have any questions, you can contact me directly.
Happy to help you 😊
just followed your instructions and it was perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great it worked out for you. The repetition in exclamation marks tells that you really wanted this. Glad I could be of help.
Good luck on your store and your business.
Best Regards
Hi @CuttingEdgeProm,
You're welcome and happy to help you
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